61 Installation
vu3rdd edited this page 2016-03-29 06:25:28 +00:00

Download Tahoe-LAFS

Run this release from source.

(Note: running Tahoe-LAFS from source does not require system-wide installation nor root privileges.)


Install one of the OS packages below. These packages may be for an earlier release.

Ubuntu all since oneiric

Official Packages and Buildbot
# apt-get install tahoe-lafs

Debian unstable, testing, stable

Official Packages
# apt-get install tahoe-lafs

Slackware 14.1, 14.0, 13.37, 13.1, 13.0

SlackBuilds.Org Repository


# nix-env -i tahoe-lafs

Arch Linux

Arch Linux User Repository
# yaourt -S tahoe-lafs 


Official Packages and Buildbot
# pkg_add tahoe-lafs


# pkgin install tahoe-lafs

After installing an OS package, run tahoe --version to verify that the executable tool prints out the right version number after "allmydata-tahoe:".

Now you are ready to deploy a decentralized filesystem. The tahoe command can configure and launch your Tahoe-LAFS nodes. See running.rst for instructions on how to do that.

see also

Wiki pages for Tahoe-LAFS developers and packagers: OSPackages, Manual, Packaging, NewbieDeveloperSetup, CompileError, and FAQ