copy in some of the proposed designs

[Imported from Trac: page NewMutableEncodingDesign, version 2]
warner 2009-08-28 01:08:42 +00:00
parent 2490e8ab87
commit e5874c99d9

@ -41,3 +41,142 @@ directly in the filecap, simplifying the design considerably.
easier and remove one need for an encrypted channel (lease secrets would
continue to need protection unless/until they too are replaced with
signature verification). However, it would also increase server load.
## Filecap Length
A likely security parameter K (=kappa) would be 96 or 128 bits, and most of
the filecaps will be some multiple of K.
Assuming a `tahoe:` prefix and no additional metadata, here's what
various lengths of base62-encoded filecaps would look like:
* 1*K:
* 96 `tahoe:14efs6T5YNim0vDVV`
* 128 `tahoe:4V2uIYVX0PcHu9fQrJ3GSH`
* 2*K:
* 192 `tahoe:072Og6e75IOP9ZZsbR1Twjs6X5xXJnBAF`
* 256 `tahoe:fZeioazoWrO62reiAjzUAyV0uz3ssh6Hnanv8cKMClY`
* 3*K:
* 288 `tahoe:11DriaxD9nipA10ueBvv5uoMoehvxgPerpQiXyvMPeiUUdtf6`
* 384 `tahoe:3a31SqUbf8fpWE1opRCT3coDhRqTU7bDU2AvC3RQJBu6ZNFhVscyxA9slYtPVT79x`
Adding 2 metadata characters and a clear separator gives us:
* 96: `tahoe:MW-14efs6T5YNim0vDVV`
* 128: `tahoe:DW-4V2uIYVX0PcHu9fQrJ3GSH`
* 192: `tahoe:MR-072Og6e75IOP9ZZsbR1Twjs6X5xXJnBAF`
* 256: `tahoe:DR-fZeioazoWrO62reiAjzUAyV0uz3ssh6Hnanv8cKMClY`
* 288: `tahoe:MR-11DriaxD9nipA10ueBvv5uoMoehvxgPerpQiXyvMPeiUUdtf6`
* 384: `tahoe:MR-3a31SqUbf8fpWE1opRCT3coDhRqTU7bDU2AvC3RQJBu6ZNFhVscyxA9slYtPVT79x`
# Design Proposals
## Commonalities
* once we get the ciphertext, it gets segmented and erasure-coded in the
same way as immutable files. Shares include a merkle tree over the share
blocks, and a second one over the ciphertext segments.
* we'd like to add a merkle tree over the plaintext, without reintroducing
the partial-information-guessing attack that prompted us to remove it.
This means encrypting the nodes of this merkle tree with a key derived
from the readcap.
* We'll continue to use the signing layout of the current mutable files:
there will be a UEB that includes the root of the hash trees (and
everything else in the share), which will be hashed to compute the
"roothash" (which changes with each publish). A block of data that
includes the roothash and a sequence number (as well as any
data-encrypting salt) will be signed.
* It might be good to make the layout a bit more extensible, like the way
that immutable files have a dictionary-like structure for the UEB.
* In general, the share will always contain a full copy of the pubkey, for
the benefit of server-side validation. I don't think it matters whether
the pubkey is stored inside or outside of the signed block, but it will
probably make the upload-time share-verification code simpler to put it
* In general, the storage-index will be equal to the pubkey. If the pubkey
is too long for this, the storage-index will be a sufficiently-long secure
hash of the pubkey. The SI must be long enough to meet our
collision-resistance criteria.
## ECDSA, semi-private keys, no traversalcap
Zooko captured the current leading semi-private-key-using mutable file design
nicely in the ["StorageSS08" paper](
(in Figure 3). The design is:
* (1K) writecap = K-bit random string (perhaps derived from user-supplied
material) (remember, K=kappa, probably 128bits)
* (2K) readcap = 2*K-bit semiprivate key
* (2K) verifycap = 2*K-bit public key
* storage-index = truncated verifycap
On each publish, a random salt is generated and stored in the share. The data
is encrypted with H(salt, readcap) and the ciphertext stored in the share. We
store the usual merkle trees.
This provides offline attenuation and full server-side validation. It removes
the need to pull a copy of the pubkey or encprivkey from just one of the
servers (the salt must still be fetched, but it's small and lives in the
signed block that must be fetched anyways).
### add traversalcap
Like above, but create two levels of semiprivate keys instead of just one:
* (1K) writecap = K-bit random string
* (2K) readcap = 2*K-bit first semiprivate key
* (2K) traversalcap = 2*K-bit second semiprivate key
* (2K) verifycap = 2*K-bit public key
* storage-index = truncated verifycap
The dirnode encoding would use H(writecap) to protect the child writecaps,
H(readcap) to protect the child readcaps, and H(traversapcap) to protect the
child verifycap/traversalcaps.
## ECDSA, no semi-private keys, no traversalcap
Without semi-private keys, we need something more complicated to protect the
readkey: the only thing that can be mathematically derived from the writecap
is the pubkey, and that can't be used to protect the data because it's public
(and used by the server to validate shares). One approach is to use the
current (discrete-log DSA) mutable file structure, and merely move the
private key out of the share and into the writecap:
* (1K) writecap = K-bit random string
* (3K) readcap = H(writecap)[:K] + H(pubkey)
* (2K) verifycap = H(pubkey)
* storage-index = truncated verifycap
In this case, the readcap/verifycap holder is obligated to fetch the pubkey
from one of the shares, since they cannot derive it themselves. This
preserves offline attenuation and server-side validation. The readcap grows
to (1+2)*K : we can truncate the AES key since we only need K bits for K-bit
confidentiality, but require 2*K bits on H(pubkey) to attain K-bit collision
resistance. The verifycap is 2*K.
### include pubkey in cap
Or, if the pubkey is short enough, include it in the cap rather than
requiring the client to fetch a copy:
* (1K) writecap = K-bit random string
* (3K) readcap = H(writecap)[:K] + pubkey
* (2K) verifycap = pubkey
* storage-index = H(pubkey)
I think ECDSA pubkeys are 2*K long, so this would not change the length of
the readcaps. It would just simplify/speed-up the download process. If we
could use shorter hashes, then the H(pubkey) design might give us slightly
shorter keys.
### add traversalcap
Since a secure pubkey identifier (either H(pubkey) or the original privkey)
is present in all caps, it's easy to insert arbitrary intermediate levels. It
doesn't even change the way the existing caps are used:
* (1K) writecap = K-bit random string
* (3K) readcap = H(writecap)[:K] + H(pubkey)
* (3K) traversalcap: H(readcap)[:K] + H(pubkey)
* (2K) verifycap = H(pubkey)
* storage-index = truncated verifycap