move debian details to DownloadDebianPackages

[Imported from Trac: page InstallDetails, version 5]
warner 2009-02-18 03:10:10 +00:00
parent f4b3ac8c9e
commit c187a31cf3

@ -151,44 +151,8 @@ Macintosh OS-X executable and the corresponding installer (.dmg) file.
=== Debian/Ubuntu ===
The Tahoe build process will download and install many of its dependencies
when you run `make` or ` build_tahoe`. The base set of
functionality that it cannot build on its own are provided by the following
debian packages, so you must have these installed before you will be able
to do much of anything. (note that the authoritative list of packages is in the
"`Build-Depends:`" clause of
[source:misc/sid/debian/control misc/sid/debian/control]):
* build-essential (this includes gcc, g++, make, and the headers in libc-dev)
* debhelper
* cdbs
* python-central
* python-setuptools
* python
* python-dev
In addition, to use the "`make deb-PLATFORM-head`" target, you will also
need the "debchange" utility from the "devscripts" package, and the
"fakeroot" package.
To actually run a Tahoe node from a debian package, you will need the following
supporting libraries installed. (again, the authoritative list of packages
is in the `Depends:` clause of
[source:misc/sid/debian/control misc/sid/debian/control])
* python-twisted-core
* python-twisted-names
* python-foolscap
* python-pyopenssl
* python-nevow
* python-simplejson
* python-zfec
* python-pycryptopp
Even if you don't intend to create a Tahoe .deb package, you can install the
supporting libraries from debian packages to reduce the build-time
download-and-compile work.
Please read DownloadDebianPackages if you just want to install pre-compiled debian
packages of the latest "trunk" source code.
Tahoe is primarily developed on Debian/Ubuntu machines. You can either build
from source (as described by this page), or download pre-compiled debian
packages for several distributions. See the DownloadDebianPackages page for