add zooko's real proposal

[Imported from Trac: page NewImmutableEncodingDesign, version 4]
warner 2009-09-07 21:33:31 +00:00
parent 5fcb5259c4
commit 903ff7d5bd

@ -62,7 +62,57 @@ SI = H(C), SSI=SI. Verifycap is SI+I.
* long caps (128+256+len(k+N+filesize)) ~= 400bits
* server cannot verify entire share
## Two: Zooko's scheme
## Two: Zooko's Scheme
Zooko wrote this scheme up in
[this message](
and [this diagram](,
and was improved upon during the subsequent tahoe-dev discussion.
* pick a random readkey K1 (perhaps via CHK)
* use K1 to encrypt the data
* encode the shares and compute the UEB hash, as usual. (zooko's message
defines v=UEBhash)
* K2 = H(K1+UEBhash)
* K1enc = AES(key=K2, data=K1)
* readcap = K2
* storage-index = H(K2)
* verifycap = H(K1enc+UEBhash)
* store sharedata and K1enc on the server
* storage-index is unknown until the end of encoding.
* change the storage protocol to permit assignment of storage-index after
* To get Tahoe2-style load-balancing, define a separate
"server-selection-index" value (which has no cryptographic requirements
and can be much shorter, perhaps 20 bits), either randomly or with some
convergence-secret salted CHK scheme. Put this value in the readcap.
* readcap is kappa (e.g. 128bits) plus len(SSI), so perhaps 148bits total
* verifycap cannot be offline-derived from readcap (it requires knowing
K1enc, which cannot be included in the UEB since that'd be circular)
* server does not have full validation (they can check that shares are
internally consistent, but cannot confirm that they've been stored under
the correct storage-index)
To download the file, the readcap holder does:
* extract server-selection-index from readcap, permute peerlist with it
* extract K2 from readcap
* compute storage-index = H(K2)
* query peers for shares
* fetch K1enc, UEBhash from at least one share
* decrypt K1=AES(key=K2, data=K1enc)
* compute K2'=H(K1,UEBhash), assert K2'==K2
* any share which fails this test is discarded
* once the valid UEBhash is determined, any share with a different UEBhash
is discarded
* fetch UEB, validate against UEBhash
* fetch share data, validate, decode, decrypt, emit plaintext
## Three: Brian's previous flawed reconstruction of Zooko's scheme
Readcaps contain one crypto value that combines C and I fields. (I forget how
this worked.. it was clever, but I think it had some fatal flaw, like not