change the metadata-cryptovalue separator to a slash (does not interact with hyphenation or escaping)

[Imported from Trac: page NewMutableEncodingDesign, version 24]
davidsarah 2012-01-11 21:54:46 +00:00
parent 09436d4df6
commit 7a85674dcf

@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ various lengths of base62-encoded filecaps would look like:
Adding 2 metadata characters and a clear separator gives us:
* 178 `lafs:DW-3zusfONRfEOp17B0ad2TDDSJxtBpvH`
* 256: `lafs:DR-fZeioazoWrO62reiAjzUAyV0uz3ssh6Hnanv8cKMClY`
* 306: `lafs:DR-2s1SqUbf8fpsh6HnThRqTUtBpvH7D8fpWEDSfZeioazoWrO62rei`
* 384: `lafs:DV-3a31SqUbf8fpWE1opRCT3coDhRqTU7bDU2AvC3RQJBu6ZNFhVscyxA9slYtPVT79x`
* 178: `lafs:DW/3zusfONRfEOp17B0ad2TDDSJxtBpvH`
* 256: `lafs:DR/fZeioazoWrO62reiAjzUAyV0uz3ssh6Hnanv8cKMClY`
* 306: `lafs:DR/2s1SqUbf8fpsh6HnThRqTUtBpvH7D8fpWEDSfZeioazoWrO62rei`
* 384: `lafs:DV/3a31SqUbf8fpWE1opRCT3coDhRqTU7bDU2AvC3RQJBu6ZNFhVscyxA9slYtPVT79x`
[#217:c44]comment:44:[/tahoe-lafs/trac-2024-07-25/issues/7722](/tahoe-lafs/trac-2024-07-25/issues/7722) says that, if we don't need to prevent collisions, then we can use a K-bit hash for K-bit second-pre-image resistance. However, see [#882:c6]comment:6:[/tahoe-lafs/trac-2024-07-25/issues/8387](/tahoe-lafs/trac-2024-07-25/issues/8387) for a counterargument saying that 50 extra bits or so are needed to be secure against multi-target attacks (i.e. T = 50). This page has now been updated assuming the counterargument is correct.