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[Imported from Trac: page WikiStart, version 260]
zooko 2009-11-20 22:54:52 +00:00
parent 898b65b31c
commit 5f9027e5c6

@ -67,11 +67,6 @@
<p><b>2009-05-27</b> -- The <a href="<>">Open Knowledge Foundation</a> is now running a Tahoe-LAFS grid!</p>
<p><b>2009-05-07</b> -- The <em><strong>"Hack Tahoe!"</strong></em> Contest <a href="<>">Hall of Fame</a> has been updated to show a picture of Christian Grothoff's smiling face as he receives his personalized <em><strong>"I Hacked Tahoe"</strong></em> t-shirt.</p>
<p><b>2009-04-18</b> -- NEWSFLASH! Tahoe-LAFS Developer Goes Crazy -- <a href="<>">Laptop Versus Axe!</a> -- Chaos On Stage At [CodeCon](CodeCon) -- Film at 11</p>
<p><b>2009-04-13</b> -- v1.4 released! This is a major release adding garbage collection, improved diagnostics, and fixing a major performance problem with downloading multi-GB files. Please see the <a href="<>">Release Notes.</a></p>
<p><b>2009-04-09</b> -- Several students have signed up to hack on Tahoe this summer as part of <a href="<>">Google Summer of Code</a>! Join the discussion on <a href="<>">the mailing list</a> or <a href="<>">edit the GSoCIdeas page</a>.</a></p>
<p><b>2009-02-13</b> -- v1.3 released! This is a major release adding repairer, backup command, large file support, (S)FTP server, and more. Please see the <a href="<>">Release Notes.</a></p>
<p><b>2008-10-29</b> -- <a href="<>">Why RAID 5 stops working in 2009</a></p>
<p><b>2008-10-16</b> -- <a href="<>">Hype vs. FUD</a> <i>Security of computing and data in the cloud</i></p>
<p><b>2008-09-23</b> -- <a href="<>">A Performance Evaluation and Examination of Open-Source Erasure Coding Libraries For Storage</a> will be presented at <a href="<>">FAST-2009: 7th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies</a></p>
See also [the News page](News)