more suggestions in "Advanced" patch review

[Imported from Trac: page PatchReviewProcess, version 19]
zooko 2012-03-31 02:51:38 +00:00
parent 23dc024788
commit 43197ff6a4

@ -34,13 +34,11 @@ Here is the overall process for patch review. For technical tips, see below.
Once you decide that you like reviewing tickets and you get into the habit of doing it frequently, then read this essay by Jonathan Lange on how to do it well: [Your Code Sucks and I Hate You: The Social Dynamics of Code Reviews](
Two simple suggestions:
1. Say something nice about the author or their code.
2. You don't have to be extra picky.
# Technical Tips
Please suggest improvements here if you run into technical snags while reviewing a ticket.
A few simple suggestions:
1. Thank the author for writing the patch.
2. Say something nice about the author or their code.
3. You don't have to be extra picky when doing patch review. The goal is just to watch out for bugs or things that would reduce the quality of the codebase.
4. Write comments about specific parts of the code. This demonstrates that you actually read it carefully enough to understand and care about parts of it, and it makes the author feel good that someone is talking about what they wrote.
## Ticket attachment links