update agenda, venue

[Imported from Trac: page Summit2011, version 29]
warner 2011-10-27 23:18:57 +00:00
parent df89b4615a
commit 3bbfcfd1de

@ -7,20 +7,36 @@ Attending or, at least, interested in attending:
## Dates / Location
2011-11-07 through 2011-11-11 in San Francisco
2011-11-08 through 2011-11-11 in San Francisco
Brian will see if we can have the summit at Mozilla's new San Francisco office (2 Harrison St.). If not, Shawn will see if Google will host and Peter will see if Adobe will host. Also Joel Franusic, who is an envoy of Microsoft to Silicon Valley, offered to help.
Brian is hosting the summit at Mozilla's new San Francisco office (2 Harrison
St.). We have conference room space for 6-8 people from tuesday through
friday (bouncing around a bit because of pre-existing meetings) and
## What to do
## Agenda Items
* Review: Tahoe-LAFS v1.9 release, LAE product launch
* accounting (implementation and design)
* Zooko suggested a Special Brian All Day Day on IRC :)
* have Brian explain how his #466 signed-introducer
[code](https://github.com/warner/tahoe-lafs/tree/466-ed25519) works, commit
> to a public-key signature scheme (I'm lobbying for Ed25519), land the
> branch
* decide upon a safe "web control panel" scheme
* explain Brian's #666 Accounting
[code](https://github.com/warner/tahoe-lafs/tree/accounting) works, land the
> branch
* discuss how accounting, #467 static-server-selection, and Invitations
> should interact, so Brian knows what to build going forward
* discuss Performance Improvements, HTTP-only Storage Protocols, New
> Encoding Formats (Rainhill!)
* add more here!
## Tele Audio / Video
Last time Nathan Wilcox and Drew Perttula managed a live audio-video stream for participants over the Internet. We have [a request](http://tahoe-lafs.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2011-September/006688.html) for that sort of service so that some people from (I believe) Japan can participate, but we don't yet know if Nathan or Drew will be available and are willing to volunteer for that. So: volunteers needed!
We should have streaming video (outbound) and multi-way audio conferencing
through the web-based "Big Blue Button" system. If you'd like to test this
out the week beforehand, please send me (warner) email.
## Mailing List Discussion