reformat and point to all revision controlled developer docs by linking only to the docs dir

[Imported from Trac: page Doc, version 32]
zooko 2008-04-08 15:20:10 +00:00
parent c0c4a9d358
commit 143c1c918b


@ -2,13 +2,30 @@
## The Basics
* [about.html]( the shape of a Tahoe filesystem and the security properties that it offers
* [architecture.txt]source:docs/architecture.txt: the design decisions that give the filesystem its current behavior
* [install.html]( how to install it (from source code)
* [install-details.html]( a big, unformatted, ill-maintained collection of notes about install issues on various platforms; Hopefully this doc isn't needed for you because the short and sweet "install.html" Just Works.
* [running.html]( how to run it once it is installed
* [using.html]( how to use it once it is running
## Presentations / Papers
* The [paper]( presented at
providing an overview of the Tahoe design, and the
[slides]( (.zip) that
were used for the presentation.
## Developer Docs
These docs are stored in the source tree of Tahoe itself, under revision control. You can browse them through the web site:
* [the docs/ directory]source:docs/
## Developer Wiki Pages
* [UseCases](UseCases): the ways in which Tahoe should be useful
* [Security](Security): known security issues and workarounds
* [webapi.txt]source:docs/webapi.txt: everything you need to know to use Tahoe from your own program
* [roadmap.txt]source:roadmap.txt: how the functionality has been incrementally improved so far, and what improvements we plan to make next
* [codemap.txt]source:docs/codemap.txt: the software practices and organization of the source code
* [configuration.txt]source:docs/configuration.txt: how to configure a tahoe node and what persistent state it creates
* [FileEncoding](FileEncoding), explaining how we turn files into shares, with verifiable hashes; This is mostly concerned with chunking and Merkle trees.
* [ShareEncoding](ShareEncoding), explaining how we turn a chunk into shares: Reed-Solomon, FEC, that stuff
* [PeerSelection](PeerSelection), explaining how a Tahoe node chooses which other nodes to use for uploading and downloading files (which raises some unsolved issues in balancing scalability, robustness, performance, and simplicity)
* [ChangingFilesWhileCopyingThem](ChangingFilesWhileCopyingThem) : what are the semantics of the "upload" action? the upload takes
non-zero time: what happens if the file is changed during that time?
## The Parade of Release Notes
* [the release notes]source:relnotes.txt@2350 announcing v1.0 on March 25, 2008 -- It's version 1.0!
@ -23,22 +40,7 @@
* [the release notes]source:relnotes.txt@790 announcing v0.3 on June 6, 2007, including improved basic functionality
* [the release notes]source:relnotes.txt@686 announcing v0.2, the first public release, on May 2, 2007 and giving a general overview of why the Tahoe project exists
## Detailed Design Docs
* [mutable.txt]source:docs/mutable.txt, explaining the interesting crypto tricks that go into secure distributed mutable files
* [FileEncoding](FileEncoding), explaining how we turn files into shares, with verifiable hashes; This is mostly concerned with chunking and Merkle trees.
* [ShareEncoding](ShareEncoding), explaining how we turn a chunk into shares: Reed-Solomon, FEC, that stuff
* The [paper]( presented at
providing an overview of the Tahoe design, and the
[slides]( (.zip) that
were used for the presentation.
## See Also
* [The News page](News) for sources of news and information.
* [The Bibliography page](Bibliography) contains links to scientific papers of interest.
* [The [RelatedProjects](RelatedProjects) page](RelatedProjects) contains links to a few other decentralized storage projects that you might be interested in.
## Outstanding Issues
* [PeerSelection](PeerSelection), explaining how a Tahoe node chooses which other nodes to use for uploading and downloading files (which raises some unsolved issues in balancing scalability, robustness, performance, and simplicity)
* [ChangingFilesWhileCopyingThem](ChangingFilesWhileCopyingThem) : what are the semantics of the "upload" action? the upload takes
non-zero time: what happens if the file is changed during that time?