start a feature list for new versions of the filecap format

[Imported from Trac: page NewCapDesign, version 1]
warner 2009-07-11 11:58:35 +00:00
parent 780201e187
commit 0580febf2c

85 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
# Goals for new filecaps
This is a place to record desiderata for the next version of our
mutable/immutable filecaps. Many of the design requirements are spread out
across separate tickets: this page is here to consolidate them. We should not
release a new filecap format without checking it against everything on this
Ticket #432 was the starting point: it contained a list of features.
## make them real URIs
Kevin Reid points out that the Tahoe calls URIs are not actually URIs (in the
established sense). To make them real, we need to:
* make then start with `x-tahoe:` or `tahoe:`, register `tahoe:`
with IANA (#418)
* understand how URI/URL/URNs are built, decide about hierarchical segments
vs non-hierarchical segments. What's magical about a leading double-slash?
Do we need one?
## other features
* Enable convenient cut-and-paste. If caps are too long they'll wrap in
email. If they contain lots of word-breaking characters then you have to
drag after you've double clicked (this is probably ok). If the word-broken
sections are small and at the beginning or end then you have to be very
precise about that drag. The best design would be a single short
non-word-breaking string. The next best will be to have a large
non-word-breaking string at the start and end, with smaller segments (if
necessary) in the middle.
* Usable in a browser. Specifically, it should be easy to actually use a
filecap that you get in email or IM, and many email/IM clients will look
for http URLs and make them clickable. If tahoe filecaps start with
`http:`, then they'll be made clickable. This is at odds with the
IANA-friendly `tahoe:` prefix. Clients may make `tahoe:` URIs
clickable too (I've seen them make other letters-than-colon strings
clickable, even when the letters are not "http"), so perhaps a reasonable
solution is to provide an OS-level URI handler for the `tahoe:`
scheme, which could embed the filecap in an http URL and submit it to a
webbrowser (i.e. when you click on `tahoe:foo`, a helper program is
launched with `tahoe:foo`, and that in turn launches your web browser
with `<http://localhost:8123/foo>`). (#52)
* Self-identifying. It should be visually clear what sort of filecap the
string represents: read-write or read-only, mutable-or-immutable,
file-or-directory. This is especially important when sharing tahoe objects
over out-of-band channels like IM and email: it should be easy for the
user to tell whether they're giving away readonly access or read-write
access. We've considered prefixes like `DWM..` for "Directory
Writeable Mutable" and `FRI..` for "File Readonly Immutable". If these
are jammed against the (base62) crypto bits it may be difficult to tell
where the prefix ends and the crypto bits begin (`FRIDWM...`).
* in addition, tahoe URIs should be distinguishable from local filenames by
a CLI tool, so that `tahoe cp $CAP local/foo.txt` is unambiguous.
(unfortunately, the current practice of using "tahoe:" as a default alias
name collides with this badly, but perhaps if the new URIs include the
double-slash, this won't be a problem:
`tahoe cp tahoe://CAP local/foo.txt` copies from a specific URI,
while `tahoe cp tahoe:blah local/foo.txt` copies from a child of
the "tahoe:" alias).
* I'd like to make it easy to layer uses on top of one another: since
directories are just a specific way of interpreting the contents of a
(mutable) file, let's make the directory cap be closely related to the
underlying filecap. For example, if we end up using
`tahoe://MR/cryptobits` to describe a read-only mutable file
referenced by "cryptobits", then we could use
`tahoe://D/MR/cryptobits` for the directory that uses it as a backing
store. The rule would be that `tahoe://D/$A` would be handled by
fetching `tahoe://$A` and then interpreting its contents as a
directory structure. Then reading immutable-dirnodes (#607) would be
trivial. Another way to think about this is that if our filecaps were
verbose s-expressions, these caps could be expressed as "(readonly
(mutable cryptobits))" and "(directory (readonly (mutable cryptobits)))".
* provide for verifycaps, repaircaps, and traversalcaps. Repaircaps in
particular may require a grant of storage authority, which might entail a
cap format that can accept arbitrary extra non-hierarchical fields.
Appendcaps or "drop-box" writecaps might fall into this same space.
* provide ciphertext access. Reading from a verifycap should give you
ciphertext. It should be possible to upload ciphertext directly.
* provide for a grid-identifier, possibly on the MSB end, e.g.
`tahoe://grid1234/IR/cryptobits`. Perhaps let some contexts define a
"default grid id", such that `tahoe://IR/cryptobits` is expanded to
mean `tahoe://grid1234/IR/cryptobits`. Something like
`tahoe://grid1234/D/MR/cryptobits` should reference
`tahoe://grid1234/MR/cryptobits`. (#403)