import mock from twisted.trial import unittest from allmydata.test.common_util import ReallyEqualMixin from allmydata.test.mock_s3 import MockS3Bucket # This is the code that we're going to be testing. from allmydata import node from import StorageServer from import NullBackend from import DiskBackend, si_si2dir from import S3Backend # The following share file content was generated with # storage.immutable.ShareFile from Tahoe-LAFS v1.8.2 # with share data == 'a'. The total size of this input # is 85 bytes. shareversionnumber = '\x00\x00\x00\x01' sharedatalength = '\x00\x00\x00\x01' numberofleases = '\x00\x00\x00\x01' shareinputdata = 'a' ownernumber = '\x00\x00\x00\x00' renewsecret = 'x'*32 cancelsecret = 'y'*32 expirationtime = '\x00(\xde\x80' nextlease = '' containerdata = shareversionnumber + sharedatalength + numberofleases client_data = shareinputdata + ownernumber + renewsecret + \ cancelsecret + expirationtime + nextlease share_data = containerdata + client_data testnodeid = 'testnodeidxxxxxxxxxx' class TestServerWithNullBackend(unittest.TestCase, ReallyEqualMixin): """ NullBackend is just for testing and executable documentation, so this test is actually a test of StorageServer in which we're using NullBackend as helper code for the test, rather than a test of NullBackend. """ def setUp(self): = StorageServer(testnodeid, NullBackend()) @mock.patch('os.mkdir') @mock.patch('') @mock.patch('os.listdir') @mock.patch('os.path.isdir') def test_write_share(self, mockisdir, mocklistdir, mockopen, mockmkdir): """ Write a new share. This tests that StorageServer's remote_allocate_buckets generates the correct return types when given test-vector arguments. That bs is of the correct type is verified by attempting to invoke remote_write on bs[0]. """ alreadygot, bs ='teststorage_index', 'x'*32, 'y'*32, set((0,)), 1, mock.Mock()) bs[0].remote_write(0, 'a') self.failIf(mockisdir.called) self.failIf(mocklistdir.called) self.failIf(mockopen.called) self.failIf(mockmkdir.called) #class ServerWithS3Backend(Server): # def create(self, name, reserved_space=0): # workdir = self.workdir(name) # s3bucket = MockS3Bucket(workdir) # backend = S3Backend(s3bucket, readonly=False, reserved_space=reserved_space) # ss = StorageServer("\x00" * 20, backend, workdir, # stats_provider=FakeStatsProvider()) # ss.setServiceParent(self.sparent) # return ss #class ServerWithDiskBackend(Server): # def create(self, name, reserved_space=0, klass=StorageServer): # workdir = self.workdir(name) # backend = DiskBackend(workdir) # ss = StorageServer("\x00" * 20, backend, workdir, # stats_provider=FakeStatsProvider()) # ss.setServiceParent(self.sparent) # return ss class Server(ReallyEqualMixin): """ This tests the StorageServer with a given back-end. """ def set_up(self): self.backend = DiskBackend(self.storedir) = StorageServer(testnodeid, self.backend) self.backendwithreserve = DiskBackend(self.storedir, reserved_space = 1) self.sswithreserve = StorageServer(testnodeid, self.backendwithreserve) @mock.patch('time.time') def test_write_and_read_share(self, mocktime): """ Write a new share, read it, and test the server's (and disk backend's) handling of simultaneous and successive attempts to write the same share. """ mocktime.return_value = 0 shareset ='teststorage_index') self.failIf(shareset.has_incoming(0)) # Populate incoming with the sharenum: 0. alreadygot, bs ='teststorage_index', 'x'*32, 'y'*32, frozenset((0,)), 1, mock.Mock()) # This is a white-box test: Inspect incoming and fail unless the sharenum: 0 is listed there. self.failUnless(shareset.has_incoming(0)) # Attempt to create a second share writer with the same sharenum. alreadygota, bsa ='teststorage_index', 'x'*32, 'y'*32, frozenset((0,)), 1, mock.Mock()) # Show that no sharewriter results from a remote_allocate_buckets # with the same si and sharenum, until BucketWriter.remote_close() # has been called. self.failIf(bsa) # Test allocated size. spaceint = self.failUnlessReallyEqual(spaceint, 1) # Write 'a' to shnum 0. Only tested together with close and read. bs[0].remote_write(0, 'a') # Preclose: Inspect final, failUnless nothing there. self.failUnlessReallyEqual(len(list(self.backend.get_shares('teststorage_index'))), 0) bs[0].remote_close() # Postclose: (Omnibus) failUnless written data is in final. sharesinfinal = list(self.backend.get_shares('teststorage_index')) self.failUnlessReallyEqual(len(sharesinfinal), 1) contents = sharesinfinal[0].read_share_data(0, 73) self.failUnlessReallyEqual(contents, client_data) # Exercise the case that the share we're asking to allocate is # already (completely) uploaded.'teststorage_index', 'x'*32, 'y'*32, set((0,)), 1, mock.Mock()) def test_read_old_share(self): """ This tests whether the code correctly finds and reads shares written out by old (Tahoe-LAFS <= v1.8.2) servers. There is a similar test in test_download, but that one is from the perspective of the client and exercises a deeper stack of code. This one is for exercising just the StorageServer object. """ # Contruct a file with the appropriate contents in the mockfilesystem. datalen = len(share_data) finalhome = si_si2dir(self.basedir, 'teststorage_index').child(str(0)) finalhome.setContent(share_data) # Now begin the test. bs ='teststorage_index') self.failUnlessEqual(len(bs), 1) b = bs['0'] # These should match by definition, the next two cases cover cases without (completely) unambiguous behaviors. self.failUnlessReallyEqual(b.remote_read(0, datalen), client_data) # If you try to read past the end you get the as much data as is there. self.failUnlessReallyEqual(b.remote_read(0, datalen+20), client_data) # If you start reading past the end of the file you get the empty string. self.failUnlessReallyEqual(b.remote_read(datalen+1, 3), '') class MockConfigParser(object): def __init__(self, configged_vals): self.configged_vals = configged_vals def read(self, fname): pass def getboolean(self, section, option): raise NotImplementedError def get(self, section, option): return self.configged_vals[(section, option)] class TestConfigureBackends(ReallyEqualMixin, unittest.TestCase): @mock.patch('ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser') def test_configure_disk_backend_bad_reserved_space(self, mockCP): mockCP.return_value = MockConfigParser({ ("storage", "backend"): "disk", ("storage", "reserved_space"): "not a real answer", }) self.failUnlessRaises(node.MissingConfigEntry, Client)