URI:DIR2:tdpubdsjyuf4elbb6b7o6shqfa:rr4hyetavbujscw3kkn65uurdclagv2ecd5idporw6uxp7bwzz6a SI: rrbnfbtklzx3b3wyzmfpsswwbi The test dumped 353 files (each 1024 bytes long) into this directory, using the winfuse plugin. #The second file (000002) was URI:CHK:7eea67hqshtp66t5cxk527b7n4:66jakdueukpk6r772b3bhtcontpx73cpdbztpcuqa3asyj3vzj2q:3:10:1024 #SI: qfzynyjjyjgzry2pwqeza3e5sq #From the FUSE plugins point of view, it took #into FUSE out of FUSE into tahoe out of tahoe #open close start PUT PUT returns #04:58:00.019 04:58:00.039 04:58:08.474 04:58:13.492 5.018s 000006 was URI:CHK:42yikc6m4y4dyx6yz6s5bf5caq:3r4cjmvir5fyujjcxw4oc7wfqwaew4y5235xaupdvwwwkdwiwjua:3:10:1024 SI: oqmlqeu6dwy5uufrt4fw6on5ui 04:58:03.874 04:58:03.894 04:58:26.951 04:58:29.825 2.874s f31048 CHK took 920ms (using helper) a t=json query that read the directory took 210ms there were 3 such queries during the CHK upload.. too many! directory read took 390ms serialize takes 20ms unnecessary dir read took 280ms write takes 812ms query results take 111ms-301ms getting privkey takes 50ms generate shares takes 10ms sending shares takes 140ms-441ms The 350th file (000350) was URI:CHK:pmo6dl3ro6embt7v3d6rn42pje:3s55yzaxspuw7zm2pteur5jd3g6oerfshrvyr43y2b6vkjlw62bq:3:10:1024 SI: edwrvhelj5hqnlv7lb2j2fg64a 05:02:14.201 05:02:14.221 05:54:47.233 05:54:57.958 10.725s CHK took 791ms dirread took 1.763s serialize takes 500ms unnecessary dirread took 1.613 write takes 4.066 query results take 200ms-270ms privkey takes 120ms generating shares 20ms sending shares took 1.813-3.646 dirnode.add_file: CHK Upload "upload finished, building readcap" Retrieve Retrieve Publish "webish upload complete" web log 353 files 114305 bytes 324 bytes per file TODO: write-batching: expose dirnode.set_uris() to HTTP get Mike to: upload and get URI, then update directory nagle the directory updates, for 350 entries that's 85% remove unnecessary Retrieve from dirnode._update 15% expose seqnum*, or split overwrite from replace