============================== Sharing a File with Tahoe-LAFS ============================== ------------ Introduction ------------ This HOWTO covers sharing a file using Tahoe-LAFS_. .. _Tahoe-LAFS: http://www.tahoe-lafs.org. After completing this HOWTO, you have a basic understanding of how to share files using Tahoe-LAFS. The Tahoe-LAFS service, we will access is the Public Demo Grid. Before proceeding, the Public Demo Grid is not intended to be reliable. It isn't intended to be used for backup — files stored on the Public Demo Grid are not guaranteed to remain there forever. The example below will use the file, *test.txt*. Please replace *test.txt* in the text below with the file you wish to share. --------------------- Steps to Share a File --------------------- 1. Using the browser of your choice, access the pubgrid by clicking here_. .. _here: http://pubgrid.tahoe-lafs.org/uri/URI%3ADIR2%3Actmtx2awdo4xt77x5xxaz6nyxm%3An5t546ddvd6xlv4v6se6sjympbdbvo7orwizuzl42urm73sxazqa/. 2. Click on the "Browse" button, next to the "File to upload" dialog box. 3. Select the file you want to upload. Next, click on the "Upload" button. 4. Verify the file you selected appears on the screen. 5. Click the "More Info" link next the filename you uploaded. 6. Copy the line next to the words "File Readcap". The line should begin with "URI:SSK-RO". 7. Provide the URI in the following form to anyone with you wish to share the file, http://pubgrid.tahoe-lafs.org/uri/$READCAP, where $READCAP is the line you copied in step 6.